Dolly Arthur is a famous prostitute who moved to Alaska after a troubled childhood in Idaho and eventually set-up shop on Creek Street.
Here is an earlier photo of Dolly:

She plied her trade from a house she bought on Creek Street for $800 and charged $3 a "pop" so to speak, at a time when the daily wage was $1/day. She worked until she was 72 (very loyal clientele). She worked alone. No madam or pimp. That's her house painted in mint green:

At the time in Alaska, prostitution was tolerated but only if it did not occur on land. This gave birth to Creek Street, where the houses were built on stilts above a creek with a boardwalk access.

View of the Norwegian Star from Creek Street:

Dolly decorated the house herself.

Above is the dining room with her Franciscan dinnerware.

Shown above is the kitchen with "modern" appliances.

Above is the bedroom where all the action happened. Dolly's money-maker!

Above is Dolly's private bathroom. If you look at the shower curtain trim closely, those flowers are actually made from French silk CONDOMS! As you can imagine, as soon as people discovered that silk condoms were a big mistake, there was a lot of dead stock lying around and leave it to Dolly not to waste all that valuable French silk!
Hey, maybe I should give this prostitution thing a shot!

I'll stick to blogging.
To read more about this cruise,
click here.