This was a completely spontaneous thing. I didn't even know where the Ford Amphitheatre was.
I heard there were free tickets for a screening of Eleven Minutes*, a film by Rob Tate and Mike Selditch about Jay McCarroll's debut collection for Spring 07 (which meant the film was shot around 2006). Well, they ran out of free tickets, but, I still got discounted tickets at Goldstar and I dragged my friend Amy to come see it with me.
Turns out that the Ford Amphitheatre is like a mini Hollywood Bowl. Parking is stacked, which means your car is parked like sardines and you could potentially get trapped, especially if the owners of the cars around you decide to lollygag their way to their cars.
I brought some sushi and snacks which we enjoyed at the courtyard:

The seats in this theatre are uncomfortable, but at least it keeps you awake during screenings:

The Big Screen. Cinema under the stars. There was a full moon that night as well:

There was the customary sponsor plugs, after which they introduced the filmmakers, Mike and Rob:

But wait!
We totally did not expect to see Jay there (although we spotted Uncle Nick Verreos earlier) but there he was in living color. Love the necklace by his friend Lola (she looked scary in the film - keep that blowtorch away from me, Lola!)

Then Jay brings out the "gang", Raymundo, Uncle Nick, and Kara Saun:

Where's Heidi and Tim? Jay jokes that they couldn't come up with the $90,000 "fee"
They leave us with their impression of Christian Siriano-fierce!:

We decide to lollygag our way back to the car (don't you just hate it when people do that? Really! Some People! Haha!).
Well who do we run into but Jay himself and the "gang" joined by Andre waiting for their ride to the after party.
Amy and I introduce ourselves and have pictures taken.

But, fortunately, Uncle Nick was there to pick up the slack:

Here's Amy, Uncle Nick, David (Uncle Nick's partner) and Amanda (Project Runway Model - luv her!):

Here's a poignant little photo of Jay and André.

A good time was had by all.
*Rob and Mike also did the short docu "Project Jay" for Bravo.
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